June 09, 2011

Best part of the day

Rugby, ND ... The center of North America.
This was the best stop of the day. From there, things went downhill! Not far down the road, just outside of Minot, ND, my rear brake caliper made a break for freedom. In its haste, besides flying free it also took out several spokes from the rear wheel.

After talking to the service department at the Sturgis, SD and the mechanics at BMWSEM, Lew and I decided to return home and will pick up my LT and start another adventure somewhere.

Stay tuned; time and place to be determined.


Scott said...

Sorry to hear that...I will eat Izzy's today in your honor

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your Alaska trip was cut short. No matter, hope you enjoy every bit of the Western front!
Audrey :-)

Anonymous said...

That bites! Glad to hear you're ok. Winks

Anonymous said...

Bummer Goeff, but sounds like you are going to salvage a trip anyway. Can't beat that. God Speed! Mick and Sandy